Thursday, August 30, 2007


What are the benefits of our endeavour to abolish the A from the alphabet? In the following text we are going to summarize the advantages of our approach and will hopefully convince you to support our initiative with your vote. If you want to have more in depth information about each of the following points, we suggest to read the appropriate sections in our reference document. Our team of specialists succeed to compile more than 6000 pages of material for you to read, and I can promise you it's worth the effort.

Fact 1: The World Wide Web will be much faster.
As this text, most of the data available from websites consists of text. Your browser has to load all these letters from the web servers, causing much traffic which slows down the whole internet. More than 8% of all letters are an "A" (according to the well-known and trustworthy encyclopaedia Wikipedia) . Just imagine: if we are able to have no "A"s any more, we can speed up downloading by 8%. If it takes 10 seconds to load a website, it will now only take 9 seconds. If you read through 50 websites a day, you will be able to save nearly one full minute, which you can use to perform more important things and be more productive at the end.

Fact 2: Writing will be much more efficient
Writing texts can be a cumbersome task. We believe that having one letter less does help to simplify the creation of texts significantly. Thinking about 25 instead of 26 letters allows you to be more creative and, as result, create better texts. And of course, you save lots of time due to the fact that you can safe nearly 10% (see above) of the time spent for writing words.

Fact 3: We will have much better and smaller notebooks
The main problem why we have so big laptops today is the problem of placing so many letters on the keyboard. We believe that reducing the alphabet helps to make keyboard layouting more efficient. It allows for much smaller keyboards, and therefore at the end also smaller laptops with better displays and less power consumption.

Fact 4: 25 letters are more useful than 26
Using 26 letters is antiquated and does not fit to the modern information age. 25 letters are much more convenient: 25 letter can be divided into 5 equal classes, making it much easier to divide. 5 times 5 (or 5 to the power of 2) is again 25. We are currently investigating the reduction of the alphabet to 16 letters, which makes it even more useful for the use in computers.

We do, of course, listen to counter-arguments and discuss them in detail in our reference material. For example, one argument was that the A is actually needed for reading and understanding texts. We investigated this issues and found indeed some few words where the lack of the letter A leads to some confusion. We are currently investigating the introduction of a new letter (sorry, we can't tell you how it will be called, it's not yet patented) to avoid such ambiguities.

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